The CNRS, (Centre National de Recherche Scientifique), is a public basic-research organisation. It is the largest fundamental research organization in Europe. The ICSN (Institut de Chimie des Substances Naturelles) is one of its main units and the largest chemistry research institute in France or even in Europe, with approximately 270 scientists with more than 1250 publications in high cited peer reviewed journals and 41 patents in the last 10 years. The ICSN has an indisputable reputation is the field of natural compounds materialized and is known for the discovery of two major anticancer drugs (Taxotere® and Navelbine®) from natural sources.
The mass spectrometry team is equipped with modern and various analytical tools. This research group received an A grade during the 2009 evaluation campaign of the national evaluation agency AERES.
Contact persons active in BioMargin
Dr Alain Brunelle